
Mysteries Beyond the Open Gate® with David Van Koevering - Part 2

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Mysteries Beyond the Open Gate® with David Van Koevering - Part 2


We were honored to be able to video tape this incredible interview with David Van Koevering.
Below are some of the topics that David covers in this session (Part 2).

PLEASE NOTE: This is an online documentary. (Not a DVD or download - you can watch this here or over on Youtube)

PART 2 includes topics such as:

  • The Power of life and death is in the tongue!
  • Discover words have intent!
  • God has made us priests in His Kingdom, act like it.
  • Who is the creative source? Where does creativity come from?
  • What is a QWIFF and how to you pop-it?
  • Why did God brood over the waters?
  • “Say and Do” what God is saying and doing!
  • How to claim your miracle!
  • Tap into the supply of all your needs!
  • Careful what you see & say!
  • You are an extension of God!
  • It’s time for the church to take the high ground!
  • It’s all about Frequencies
  • Jesus could walk through walls and on water!
  • Your body is electrical!
  • Make sure you pop the correct Qwiff!
  • Entangled with God, what does it mean?
  • “Intent”, what is it and how to make it work for you!
  • God’s Una-verse
  • The Days of Miracles

Don't get left behind, jump in and grab this one-of-a-kind video, it will change your mind about how God is, what he did for us and how we can become what his intentions were for us! You are more powerful than you know! Order Now!

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Incredible teachings from the late David Van Koevering. Watch this anytime via online here or on our Youtube Channel! (This is not a DVD or downloadable) PART 2 = 1 Hour

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